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"Did You Ask The River?" is a VR art piece created in Unity, and directed by Joan Ross.


I collaborated closely with Josh Harle of Tactical Space Lab as a game programmer to produce and develop this project, which puts you in the body of a colonial Australian woman.


You can explore the space by interacting (or not interacting) with objects in the scene that consequently ruin the native landscape.


This piece was presented at both ACMI Melbourne, and Carriageworks Sydney.


I developed and aided the design of mechanics including:

  • Slot machine

  • Interactive drawers

  • Spray painting

  • Grenades that create relatively sized prefabs

  • Animated model spawning and duplication


I also spent a large amount of time on the project looking at ways to further develop these mechanics to become more performance efficient for VR.


Sydney Morning Herald

Rated the artwork as one of it's 
"Five things not to miss" at Sydney's Carriageworks display in September 2019

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